Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
Cannes und Genua: Vier Reden zum Reparationsproblem (German) Walther Rathenau
Canterbury William Danks
Canterbury W. Teignmouth Shore
Canterbury Gordon Home
Canterbury Pilgrimage Elizabeth Robins Pennell and Joseph Pennell
Canute the Great, 995 (circa)-1035, and the Rise of Danish Imperialism during the Viking Age Laurence Marcellus Larson
Captain Cuellar's Adventures in Connaught & Ulster A.D. 1588. active 16th century Francisco de Cuellar and Hugh Allingham
captivity, sufferings, and escape of James Scurry James Scurry
Cardinal de Richelieu (French) Hyacinthe Corne
Cardinal de Richelieu Eleanor C. Price
cardinal's musketeer Mary Imlay Taylor
Cardinal Wolsey M. Creighton
Carmela (Hungarian) Lajos Dóczi
carnet de Robespierre (septembre-décembre 1793) (French) Maximilien Robespierre
Caroline the Illustrious, vol. 2 (of 2) : Queen-Consort of George II. and sometime Queen-Regent; a study of her life and time W. H. Wilkins
Carta de hum cidadam de Genova a hum seu correspondente em Londres (Portuguese) Anonymous
casa e la famiglia di Masaniello (Italian) Bartolommeo Capasso
Caspar Hauser; oder, Die Trägheit des Herzens, Roman (German) Jakob Wassermann
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 3 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 4 (of 8) Anonymous
Cassell's History of England, Vol. 6 (of 8) Anonymous
Castellinaria, and Other Sicilian Diversions Henry Festing Jones
castello di Trezzo: Novella storica (Italian) Giambattista Bazzoni
Castles and Chateaux of Old Burgundy M. F. Mansfield
Castles and Chateaux of Old Navarre and the Basque Provinces M. F. Mansfield