Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
Comic History of Rome Gilbert Abbott À Beckett
Coming of the Friars Augustus Jessopp
Commentario de le piu notabili, & mostruose cose d'Italia, & di altri luoghi di lingua aramea in Italiana tradotto, nelquale si impara, & prendesi estremo piacere (Italian) Ortensio Landi
Comme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existé (French) J.-B. Pérès
Communes of Lombardy from the VI. to the X. Century William Klapp Williams
companions of Pickle Andrew Lang
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon Various
comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome I (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
comte de Monte-Cristo, Tome III (French) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet
Concise Chronicle of Events of the Great War R. P. P. Rowe
condamnés politiques en Nouvelle-Calédonie: Récit de deux évadés (French) Paschal Grousset and François Jourde
Confédération Balkanique (French) Živojin Perić
Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1896 (Italian) Various
Confession de Talleyrand, V. 1-5 (French) prince de Bénévent Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Confessions of the Celebrated Countess of Lichtenau, Late Mrs. Rietz Heinrich Husen
Confessions of the Czarina Princess Catherine Radziwill
conséquences politiques de la paix (French) Jacques Bainville
Conspiracy of Gianluigi Fieschi, or, Genoa in the sixteenth century. Emanuele Celesia
Constantine the Great: The reorganization of the Empire and the triumph of the Church John B. Firth
Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor R. Walsh
Constantinople de Byzance à Stamboul. (French) Celâl Esad Arseven
Constantinople, painted by Warwick Goble, described by Alexander Van Millingen Alexander Van Millingen
Constantinople: The Story of the Old Capital of the Empire William Holden Hutton
Constantinople, v. 2 (of 2) Edmondo De Amicis
Conte di Virtù vol. 2/2 (Italian) Carlo Belgiojoso