Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
corricolo (French) Alexandre Dumas
Corsair in the war zone Ralph Delahaye Paine
Corse de Leon; or, The Brigand: A Romance. Volume 1 (of 2) G. P. R. James
Cosas de España; tomo 1 (Spanish) Richard Ford
Cosas nuevas y viejas (apuntes sevillanos) (Spanish) Manuel Chaves Rey
Costumes Madrilenos (Portuguese) S. de Magalhães Lima
Costums típicas de la ciutat de Valls (Catalan) Josep Aladern
cotillons célèbres (French) Emile Gaboriau
cotillons célèbres. Deuxième Série (French) Emile Gaboriau
Countess of Albany Vernon Lee
Country of Sir Walter Scott Charles S. Olcott
Counts of Gruyère Anna De Koven
Cour de Louis XIV (French) Imbert de Saint-Amand
cour et la ville de Madrid vers la fin du XVIIe siècle (French) Madame d' Aulnoy
Cours familier de Littérature - Volume 26 (French) Alphonse de Lamartine
Court Life From Within Infanta of Spain Eulalia
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete Various
court of Louis XV Imbert de Saint-Amand
Court of Philip IV.: Spain in Decadence Martin A. S. Hume
Court of the Empress Josephine Imbert de Saint-Amand
Covered with mud and glory : a machine gun company in action ("Ma mitrailleuse") Georges Lafond
Craven's Part in the Great War John T. Clayton
Crécy Hilaire Belloc
Crépuscule des Dieux (French) Elémir Bourges
Crescent and Iron Cross E. F. Benson