Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
Dock and the Scaffold T. D. Sullivan
Doctor Centeno (novela completa) (Spanish) Benito Pérez Galdós
Documenti Umani (Italian) Federico De Roberto
Documento che invita i mercanti ebrei a stabilirsi in Livorno e Pisa (Costituzione Livornina) (Italian) Grand-Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I
Documents Inédits sur Alfred de Musset (French) Maurice Clouard
Doing My Bit For Ireland Margaret Skinnider
Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade: August 1914 to March 1915 Lord Edward Gleichen
Domestic Annals of Scotland from the Reformation to the Revolution, Volume 2 (of 2) Robert Chambers
donatarias d'Alemquer (Portuguese) João Pereira Franco Monteiro
donna fiorentina del buon tempo antico (Italian) Isidoro Del Lungo
donne dei Cesari (Italian) Guglielmo Ferrero
Donne, salotti e costumi (Italian) Ferdinando Martini
Don Sebastian : or, The house of the Braganza: An historical romance. vol. 4 Anna Maria Porter
Door Noorwegen (Dutch) G. Bosch
D'Orsay; or, The complete dandy W. Teignmouth Shore
Dove in the Eagle's Nest Charlotte M. Yonge
Dover Road: Annals of an Ancient Turnpike Charles G. Harper
Drake, Nelson and Napoleon Baron Walter Runciman Runciman
Drake's Road Book of the Grand Junction Railway active 1825 James Drake
dreizehn Bücher der deutschen Seele (German) Wilhelm Schäfer
Dresden und die Sächsische Schweiz (German) Sophus Ruge
Drie Musketiers dl. I en II (Dutch) Alexandre Dumas
Dr. Stearns's Tour from London to Paris Samuel Stearns
Dr. Teodoro Herzl (Italian) Dante A. Lattes
Drums of War H. De Vere Stacpoole