Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
Ethnology of Europe R. G. Latham
Eugenie, Empress of the French Clara Tschudi
Europe After 8:15 H. L. Mencken, George Jean Nathan, and Willard Huntington Wright
European Anarchy G. Lowes Dickinson
Europe in the Middle Ages Ierne L. Plunket
Europe in the Sixteenth Century, 1494-1598, Fifth Edition A. H. Johnson
Europe Revised Irvin S. Cobb
Europe Since 1918 Herbert Adams Gibbons
Eve of the French Revolution Edward J. Lowell
Evesham E. H. New
Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of France Mary Platt Parmele
Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of Germany Mary Platt Parmele
Evolution of Sinn Fein Robert Mitchell Henry
Excavations of Roman Baths at Bath Charles Edward Davis
Excursions in the mountains of Ronda and Granada, with characteristic sketches of the inhabitants of southern Spain, vol. 1/2 C. Rochfort Scott
Expansion of Europe; The Culmination of Modern History Ramsay Muir
Expedición de Catalanes y Aragoneses al Oriente (Spanish) Francisco de Moncada
Extracts from the Diary of William Bray William Bray
Face to Face with Kaiserism James W. Gerard
factos (Portuguese) J. G. de Barros e Cunha
Factos Notaveis da Historia Portugueza e Biographia do Marquez de Pombal (Portuguese) Josephina Pinto Carneiro Perestrello
Fair Maid of Perth; Or, St. Valentine's Day Walter Scott
Fair Margaret H. Rider Haggard
falu jegyzője (2. kötet): Regény (Hungarian) báró József Eötvös
Famous Fighters of the Fleet Edward Fraser