Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 2 Henryk Sienkiewicz 234 downloads
The great Persian War and its preliminaries : A study of the evidence, literary and topographical G. B. Grundy 234 downloads
The Egyptian campaigns, 1882 to 1885 Charles Royle 234 downloads
Secret Service Under Pitt William J. Fitz-Patrick 234 downloads
Les Rois Frères de Napoléon Ier (French) Albert Du Casse 234 downloads
Portugal of the Portuguese Aubrey F. G. Bell 234 downloads
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 08: Great Rulers John Lord 234 downloads
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 02 Thomas Carlyle 233 downloads
Crécy Hilaire Belloc 233 downloads
Aus Kroatien: Skizzen und Erzählungen (German) Arthur Achleitner 233 downloads
Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (3 de 5) (Spanish) Conde de José María Queipo de Llano Ruiz de Saravia Toreno 233 downloads
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10 233 downloads
Seaward Sussex: The South Downs from End to End Edric Holmes 233 downloads
The heart of Asia : A history of Russian Turkestan and the Central Asian Khanates from the earliest times Francis Henry Skrine and Sir E. Denison Ross 233 downloads
The Cause of the Charge of Balaclava Thomas Morley 233 downloads
History of Greece, Volume 03 (of 12) George Grote 233 downloads
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 21 Thomas Carlyle 233 downloads
L'esprit dans l'histoire: Recherches et curiosités sur les mots historiques (French) Edouard Fournier 233 downloads
'Twixt France and Spain; Or, A Spring in the Pyrenees E. Ernest Bilbrough 233 downloads
Ein Kampf um Rom: Historischer Roman. Zweiter Band (German) Felix Dahn 233 downloads
The Provinces of the Roman Empire, from Caesar to Diocletian. v. 1 Theodor Mommsen 232 downloads
Van Brussel naar Karema: Geschiedenis eener Belgische Kolonie in Midden-Afrika (Dutch) A.-J. Wauters 232 downloads
Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Hell Dante Alighieri 232 downloads
The Life of Charlemagne (Charles the Great) Thomas Hodgkin 232 downloads
Dernières lettres d'un bon jeune homme à sa cousine Madeleine (French) Edmond About 232 downloads