Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
Jeanne d'Arc, Maid of Orleans, Deliverer of France 324 downloads
Rambles and Studies in Greece J. P. Mahaffy 323 downloads
Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes Robert Louis Stevenson 323 downloads
Histoire des enseignes de Paris (French) Edouard Fournier 322 downloads
La Presse Clandestine dans la Belgique Occupée (French) Jean Massart 321 downloads
Los nueve libros de la Historia (2 de 2) (Spanish) Herodotus 321 downloads
Wanderings in Wessex Edric Holmes 321 downloads
History for ready reference, Volume 3, Greece to Nibelungen J. N. Larned 320 downloads
Corinne; or, Italy Madame de Staël 320 downloads
The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 05 319 downloads
Les cotillons célèbres. Deuxième Série (French) Emile Gaboriau 319 downloads
The Man Farthest Down: A Record of Observation and Study in Europe Booker T. Washington and Robert Ezra Park 318 downloads
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5 Edward Gibbon 318 downloads
The Hastings Road and the "Happy Springs of Tunbridge" Charles G. Harper 318 downloads
Italian Fantasies Israel Zangwill 317 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 51, 1801-1840 317 downloads
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 5 316 downloads
Caspar Hauser; oder, Die Trägheit des Herzens, Roman (German) Jakob Wassermann 316 downloads
Journal de Jean Héroard - Tome 1 (French) Jean Héroard 316 downloads
La vita Italiana nel Risorgimento (1815-1831), parte 2 (Italian) Various 316 downloads
The Bible in Spain, Vol. 1 [of 2] George Borrow 316 downloads
Seekriege und Seekriegswesen, Erster Band (German) Rudolph Rittmeyer 315 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 35, 1640-1649 314 downloads
A Jewish Chaplain in France Lee J. Levinger 314 downloads
Monumental Java J. F. Scheltema 314 downloads