Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit (Jg. 26, 1879) (German) Various 310 downloads
The Man Farthest Down: A Record of Observation and Study in Europe Booker T. Washington and Robert Ezra Park 310 downloads
España Contemporánea (Spanish) Rubén Darío 309 downloads
The Balkans: A History of Bulgaria—Serbia—Greece—Rumania—Turkey D. G. Hogarth, Arnold Toynbee, Nevill Forbes, and David Mitrany 309 downloads
The Englishman in China During the Victorian Era, Vol. 2 (of 2) Alexander Michie 309 downloads
A Book of Dartmoor S. Baring-Gould 309 downloads
Le livre commode des adresses de Paris pour 1692, tome 2/2 (French) Monsieur de Blégny 309 downloads
España invertebrada: Bosquejo de algunos pensamientos históricos (Spanish) José Ortega y Gasset 308 downloads
China and the Chinese Herbert Allen Giles 308 downloads
The Works of John Marston. Volume 1 John Marston 307 downloads
Mason's Norwich General and Commercial Directory & Handbook R. Hindry Mason 306 downloads
The Viceroys of Ireland Charles Kingston O'Mahony 306 downloads
Du service des postes et de la taxation des lettres au moyen d'un timbre (French) A. Piron 305 downloads
The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-66) John Lothrop Motley 305 downloads
Lives of the early Medici : As told in their correspondence 305 downloads
The Magnificent Montez: From Courtesan to Convert Horace Wyndham 304 downloads
Legends of the Rhine Wilhelm Ruland 304 downloads
At Home and Abroad; Or, Things and Thoughts in America and Europe Margaret Fuller 303 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 2 François Guizot 303 downloads
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, Vol. I (of VI), "Venetian Years" Giacomo Casanova 303 downloads
Chroniques de J. Froissart, tome 05/13 : 1356-1360 (Depuis les préliminaires de la bataille de Poitiers jusqu'à l'expédition d'Édouard III en Champagne et dans l'Ile de France) (French) Jean Froissart 302 downloads
A Word, Only a Word — Complete Georg Ebers 301 downloads
The Napoleon Gallery Etienne Achille Réveil 301 downloads
Da Firenze a Digione: Impressioni di un reduce Garibaldino (Italian) Ettore Socci 300 downloads
The Diary of Dr. John William Polidori, 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, etc. John William Polidori 300 downloads