Books in Browsing: History - Medieval/The Middle Ages (sorted by popularity)
The White Ladies of Worcester: A Romance of the Twelfth Century Florence L. Barclay 136 downloads
Penal Methods of the Middle Ages: Criminals, Witches, Lunatics George Burnham Ives 135 downloads
Les adevineaux amoureux (French) Anonymous 134 downloads
The Normans in European history Charles Homer Haskins 134 downloads
Mary of Burgundy; or, The Revolt of Ghent G. P. R. James 133 downloads
Brian Fitz-Count: A Story of Wallingford Castle and Dorchester Abbey A. D. Crake 133 downloads
Le livre des visions et instructions de la bienheureuse Angèle de Foligno (French) Saint of Foligno Angela 133 downloads
Under King Henry's Banners: A story of the days of Agincourt Percy F. Westerman 133 downloads
Beyträge zur Kenntniss der altdeutschen Sprache und Litteratur. Erster Band. Theil 1. (German) Georg Friedrich Benecke 133 downloads
The Herd Boy and His Hermit Charlotte M. Yonge 133 downloads
William Morris: A Critical Study John Drinkwater 133 downloads
The Coming of the Friars Augustus Jessopp 133 downloads
The Romaunce of the Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras His Sone Who Conquerede Rome 132 downloads
Dead Man's Plack and an Old Thorn W. H. Hudson 131 downloads
The Saint of the Dragon's Dale: A Fantastical Tale William Stearns Davis 131 downloads
Die Frauenfrage im Mittelalter (German) Karl Bücher 131 downloads
The Pilgrim's Shell; Or, Fergan the Quarryman: A Tale from the Feudal Times Eugène Sue 131 downloads
The Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494, 3rd Ed. Sir Richard Lodge 130 downloads
"God Wills It!" A Tale of the First Crusade. William Stearns Davis 130 downloads
Chronicle of the Cid 130 downloads
La Saga de Njal (French) 130 downloads
The last age of the church John Wycliffe 130 downloads
The Buke of the Order of Knyghthood Ramon Llull 129 downloads
La Tronpretendantoj (Esperanto) Henrik Ibsen 129 downloads
Les grandes chroniques de France (2/6) (French) 129 downloads