Books in Browsing: History - Medieval/The Middle Ages (sorted by popularity)
The Albigensian Heresy Henry James Warner 102 downloads
Die Jüdin von Toledo (German) Franz Grillparzer 101 downloads
Spears of destiny : A story of the first capture of Constantinople Arthur D. Howden Smith 100 downloads
Readings in the History of Education: Mediaeval Universities Arthur O. Norton 100 downloads
Kultarannan impi: Historiallinen kertomus kymmenenneltä vuosisadalta (Finnish) Hilda Huntuvuori 100 downloads
The Imperial Crown Wilhelm Raabe 99 downloads
Weltuntergang: Geschichtliche Erzählung aus dem Jahre 1000 nach Christus (German) Felix Dahn 98 downloads
Chaucer's Official Life James R. Hulbert 97 downloads
Om medeltidens skådespel (Swedish) Gustaf Edvard Ingelius 97 downloads
The Vigil of Brunhild: A Narrative Poem Frederic Manning 97 downloads
Edda: taruopillinen alkuosa; Gylfin harhanäky (Gylfaginning) (Finnish) Snorri Sturluson 97 downloads
Ivanhoe (3/4) (French) Walter Scott 97 downloads
O Claro Riso Medieval (Portuguese) João de Lebre e Lima 96 downloads
Epistola ad Coroticum (Latin) Saint Patrick 94 downloads
Les anciennes démocraties des Pays-Bas (French) Henri Pirenne 93 downloads
Storia della decadenza e rovina dell'impero romano, volume 08 (Italian) Edward Gibbon 92 downloads
Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln Charles L. Marson 92 downloads
Fragments d'épopées romanes du XIIe siècle (French) 91 downloads
Singoalla (Finnish) Viktor Rydberg 90 downloads
Aus der Chronika eines fahrenden Schülers (Zweite Fassung) (German) Clemens Brentano 89 downloads
Ivanhoe (4/4) (French) Walter Scott 88 downloads
Pyhä hymy: Historiallinen kertomus Hemming piispan päiviltä (Finnish) Lauri Soini 87 downloads
Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 06 Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 86 downloads
Les Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, tome I (French) 85 downloads
An Essay on Mediæval Economic Teaching George O'Brien 84 downloads