Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically by author)
The History of the Assassins, Derived from Oriental Sources Freiherr von Joseph Hammer-Purgstall
History of Dogma, Volume 2 Adolf von Harnack
History of Dogma, Volume 1 Adolf von Harnack
Idylls of the Bible Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
A Thousand Years of Jewish History Maurice H. Harris
The influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church Edwin Hatch
Herodes und Mariamne: Eine Tragödie in fünf Akten (German) Friedrich Hebbel
'Een vaste burg is onze God' (Dutch) Betsy de Heer
Sint-Nikolaas en het Sint-Nikolaas-feest (Dutch) Wessel Albertus van Hengel
Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, Vol. 1 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions. Vol. 2 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
Synopsis of Jewish History H. A. Henry
Edict du Roy, & Declaration sur les precedents Edicts de Pacification (French) King of France Henry IV
For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem G. A. Henty
A History of Chester Cathedral John Hicklin
The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus Antipope Hippolytus
Philosophumena; or, The refutation of all heresies, Volume II Antipope Hippolytus
Philosophumena; or, The refutation of all heresies, Volume I Antipope Hippolytus
The Communion and Communicant Edward Hoare
Evolution Edward Hoare
The Proportions of Truth Edward Hoare
Baptism According to Scripture E. H. Hoare
The Religions of India Edward Washburn Hopkins
The Life and Times of Ulric Zwingli Johann Jakob Hottinger
A Sermon Preach'd upon the Occasion of the Anniversary Thanksgiving of the Fifth of November, 1706 Nathaniel Hough