Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically by author)
A Vindication of the Presbyteriall-Government and Ministry Ministers and Elders of the London Provinciall Assembly
The Scottish Reformation Alexander F. Mitchell
Buddhism, in Its Connexion with Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in Its Contrast with Christianity Sir Monier Monier-Williams
An Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant Edward Caldwell Moore
The Covenanters of Damascus; A Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect George Foot Moore
Catharine de Bora: Social and Domestic Scenes in the Home of Luther John G. Morris
The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 03: 1555 John Lothrop Motley
A True Interpretation of the Witch of Endor Lodowick Muggleton
Annals of the early Caliphate from the death of Mahomet to the Omeyyad and Abbaside dynasties A.H. XI-LXI (A.D. 632-680) from original sources Sir William Muir
A Chronological Table of the Catholic Primates of Ireland John Murphy
Dissertatiunculae Quaedam Critico-Theologicae (Latin) John Henry Newman
Callista : a Tale of the Third Century John Henry Newman
Historical Sketches, Volume I (of 3) John Henry Newman
Lectures on Bible Revision Samuel Newth
History of the Jesuits: Their origin, progress, doctrines, and designs G. B. Nicolini
Sketches from Eastern History Theodor Nöldeke
A visit to the Roman catacombs J. Spencer Northcote
Jan Amos Komenský (Esperanto) Jan Václav Novák
A Short History of the Fatimid Khalifate De Lacy O'Leary
Jeanne D'Arc: Her Life And Death Mrs. Oliphant
Caleb Field : A tale of the Puritans Mrs. Oliphant
The Evolution of Old Testament Religion W. E. Orchard
The writings of Origen, Vol. 2 (of 2) Origen
The writings of Origen, Vol. 1 (of 2) Origen
Les missionnaires français au Thibet (French) Prince Henri d' Orléans