Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically by author)
Pope Adrian IV: An Historical Sketch Richard Raby
The Jews among the Greeks and Romans Max Radin
Dante Alighieri, Apostle of Freedom: War-time and Peace-time Essays Lonsdale Ragg
The Christ of Paul; Or, The Enigmas of Christianity George Reber
The Auchensaugh Renovation of the National Covenant and Reformed Presbytery of North America
Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive Reformed Presbytery of North America
A Plain Statement of the Doctrines Objected to in the Church of Rome Joseph Reilly
The Apostles Ernest Renan
English Conferences of Ernest Renan: Rome and Christianity. Marcus Aurelius Ernest Renan
Vie de Jésus (French) Ernest Renan
La cathédrale de Strasbourg pendant la Révolution. (1789-1802) (French) Rodolphe Reuss
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru Albert Réville
David: A Tragedy Cale Young Rice
On the Architectural History of Chester Cathedral Thomas Rickman
Dead Men Tell Tales Harry Rimmer
Brief Records of the Independent Church at Beccles, Suffolk S. Wilton Rix
Romanz De L'estoire Dou Graal (French) active 13th century de Boron Robert
The Missouri Persecutions B. H. Roberts
Succession in the Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints B. H. Roberts
Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher: A Discourse B. H. Roberts
Outlines of Ecclesiastical History B. H. Roberts
The Rise and Fall of Nauvoo B. H. Roberts
The Mormon Battalion, Its History and Achievements B. H. Roberts
A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ A. T. Robertson and John Albert Broadus
Sketches of Church History, from A.D. 33 to the Reformation James Craigie Robertson