Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted alphabetically by author)
A Short History of Christianity J. M. Robertson
Sureeko Suomi Jumalan mielen mukaan? (Finnish) Mauno Rosendal
Kertomuksia kirkkohistorian alalta 1: Vanha aika (Finnish) Mauno Rosendal
Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla II. 1836-1844 (Finnish) Mauno Rosendal
Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla IV. 1853-1900 (Finnish) Mauno Rosendal
"Granny's Chapters" (on scriptural subjects) Lady Mary Ross
Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition: A History Rafael Sabatini
The Lost Gospel and Its Contents M. F. Sadler
Vähäinen kertomus Muinais-Suomalaisten pyhistä menoista (Finnish) Eero Salmelainen
The Gospels in the Second Century W. Sanday
Christmastide: Its History, Festivities, and Carols William Sandys
Patriarchal Palestine A. H. Sayce
American Lutheranism vindicated : or, Examination of the Lutheran symbols on certain disputed topics, including a reply to the plea of Rev. W. J. Mann S. S. Schmucker
Taistelu ja voitto: Kuvaelmia Rooman keisariajalta (Finnish) Viktor Schultze
Das Abendmahl im Zusammenhang mit dem Leben Jesu und der Geschichte des Urchristentums (German) Albert Schweitzer
The Monastery Walter Scott
Die Christliche Taufe (German) Johannes Seefried
Luther and the Reformation: Joseph Augustus Seiss
Bible Studies in the Life of Paul, Historical and Constructive Henry T. Sell
The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers William Sewel
Story of the Life of St. Paul, the Apostle active 1880-1896 Mary Seymour
Sir Thomas More Shakespeare
A Hind Let Loose Alexander Shields
God Passes By Effendi Shoghi
Seuratkaamme häntä! (Finnish) Henryk Sienkiewicz