Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted by popularity)
Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society Robert Southey 151 downloads
The Jesuit Missions : A Chronicle of the Cross in the Wilderness Thomas Guthrie Marquis 151 downloads
Sketches of the Covenanters J. C. McFeeters 151 downloads
The History of Sabatai Sevi, the Suppos'd Messiah of the Jews John Evelyn 151 downloads
Die Christliche Taufe (German) Johannes Seefried 151 downloads
A Class-Book of Biblical History and Geography H. S. Osborn 151 downloads
L'Inquisition médiévale (French) Jean Guiraud 151 downloads
The Inquisition E. Vacandard 150 downloads
The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth? M. M. Mangasarian 150 downloads
Le procès des Templiers, Tome II. (Latin) 150 downloads
The revolt in Arabia C. Snouck Hurgronje 150 downloads
Dante et Goethe : dialogues (French) Daniel Stern 150 downloads
The Jerusalem Sinner Saved; or, Good News for the Vilest of Men John Bunyan 149 downloads
The Catalpa Expedition Zeph. W. Pease 149 downloads
The Gospels in the Second Century W. Sanday 149 downloads
The History of the Crusades (vol. 2 of 3) J. Fr. Michaud 148 downloads
Little Gidding and its inmates in the Time of King Charles I. John Edward Acland 148 downloads
The Origin and Development of Christian Dogma: An essay in the science of history Charles A. H. Tuthill 148 downloads
Trois Églises (French) J.-K. Huysmans 148 downloads
The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, February, 1865 148 downloads
Bible-Burning John C. Miller 148 downloads
Obedience to the Articles and Rubrics of the Church of England Edwin Proctor Denniss 148 downloads
Leo XIII., the Great Leader Rev. A. P. Doyle 147 downloads
Religions of Primitive Peoples Daniel G. Brinton 147 downloads
De Nederlandse kerken en de joden, 1940-1945 (Dutch) Johan M. Snoek 147 downloads