Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted by popularity)
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved Ramon Llull 147 downloads
Lectures on Bible Revision Samuel Newth 147 downloads
Bible history and brief outline of church history Volrath Vogt 147 downloads
John Knox William M. Taylor 147 downloads
Philip II. of Spain Martin A. S. Hume 147 downloads
The Cradle of the Christ: A Study in Primitive Christianity Octavius Brooks Frothingham 147 downloads
Ecclesiastical Curiosities 146 downloads
A Proposal for the Better Supplying of Churches in Our Foreign Plantations, and for Converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, By a College to Be Erected in the Summer Islands, Otherwise Called the Isles of Bermuda George Berkeley 145 downloads
Storia degli Esseni: Lezioni (Italian) Elia Benamozegh 145 downloads
Saul of Tarsus: A Tale of the Early Christians Elizabeth Miller 144 downloads
Moslem and Frank; G. L. M. Strauss 144 downloads
The Shih King, or, Book of Poetry James Legge 144 downloads
Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher: A Discourse B. H. Roberts 144 downloads
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] H. J. L. J. Massé 144 downloads
Jan Amos Komenský (Esperanto) Jan Václav Novák 144 downloads
"Granny's Chapters" (on scriptural subjects) Lady Mary Ross 144 downloads
Churchwardens' Manual George Henry Sumner 143 downloads
The Bible Period by Period Josiah Blake Tidwell 143 downloads
His Last Week Sydney Strong, Theodore Gerald Soares, and William E. Barton 143 downloads
A Hymn on the Life, Virtues and Miracles of St. Patrick active 6th century Bishop of Sletty Saint Fiech 143 downloads
The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children Charlotte M. Yonge 143 downloads
La cathédrale de Strasbourg pendant la Révolution. (1789-1802) (French) Rodolphe Reuss 142 downloads
Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Early Christian Life in Rome W. H. Withrow 142 downloads
Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews Thomas Goodwin 142 downloads
Saturday Night Thoughts Orson F. Whitney 142 downloads