Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted by popularity)
David: A Tragedy Cale Young Rice 117 downloads
Isabel d'Aragão a Rainha Santa (Portuguese) Anonymous 117 downloads
Landmarks in the History of Early Christianity Kirsopp Lake 117 downloads
Kittyn päiväkirja (Finnish) Elizabeth Rundle Charles 117 downloads
Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1865 (Spanish) 117 downloads
On the Architectural History of Chester Cathedral Thomas Rickman 116 downloads
Leaves from My Journal: Third Book of the Faith-Promoting Series Wilford Woodruff 116 downloads
The Proportions of Truth Edward Hoare 116 downloads
The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, October, 1864 116 downloads
Hear Me, Pilate! LeGette Blythe 116 downloads
A Day with John Milton May Byron 116 downloads
Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Volume 1 (of 2) Friedrich Strauss 115 downloads
The History of Germain Street Baptist Church, St. John, N.B., for its first one hundred years, 1810-1910 Thomas D. Denham 115 downloads
The Glorious Return: A Story of the Vaudois in 1689 Crona Temple 115 downloads
The Myth of the "Manuscript Found," or the Absurdities of the "Spaulding Story" 115 downloads
A boke made by John Fryth, prysoner in the Tower of London John Frith 114 downloads
Homo Sum — Volume 01 Georg Ebers 114 downloads
Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: An Educational Problem for Protestants E. A. Sutherland 114 downloads
Adonijah: A Tale of the Jewish Dispersion. Jane Margaret Strickland 114 downloads
Pope Adrian IV: An Historical Sketch Richard Raby 113 downloads
Remarks upon the First Report of the Royal Commission on Ritual in connection with the integrity of the Book of Common Prayer Mayow Wynell Mayow 113 downloads
The Making of Religion Andrew Lang 113 downloads
Taistelu ja voitto: Kuvaelmia Rooman keisariajalta (Finnish) Viktor Schultze 113 downloads
The History of the Life and Death of Sultan Solyman the Magnificent, Emperor of the Turks, and of His son Mustapha Unknown 111 downloads
The Missouri Persecutions B. H. Roberts 111 downloads