Books in Browsing: History - Religious (sorted by popularity)
The Bible, King James version, Book 33: Micah Anonymous 111 downloads
The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume I, No. 11, November, 1880 Various 111 downloads
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre — Volume 3 King of France consort of Henry IV Queen Marguerite 110 downloads
The Roman Question Edmond About 110 downloads
The Bible, King James version, Book 34: Nahum Anonymous 110 downloads
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 08 (of 32) John Wesley 109 downloads
Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla IV. 1853-1900 (Finnish) Mauno Rosendal 109 downloads
Saint Dominique (French) Jean Guiraud 108 downloads
An Account of the Destruction of the Jesuits in France Jean Le Rond d' Alembert 108 downloads
The Bible, King James version, Book 5: Deuteronomy Anonymous 108 downloads
Hebrew Heroes: A Tale Founded on Jewish History A. L. O. E. 108 downloads
John Ronge; The Holy Coat of Treves; New German-Catholic Church Anonymous and Johannes Ronge 108 downloads
The World English Bible (WEB): Joshua Anonymous 107 downloads
Herodes und Mariamne: Eine Tragödie in fünf Akten (German) Friedrich Hebbel 107 downloads
Kort og sandfærdig Beretning om den vidtudraabte Besættelse udi Thisted (Danish) Árni Magnússon 107 downloads
Mordred and Hildebrand: A Book of Tragedies Wilfred Campbell 107 downloads
Deborah: A tale of the times of Judas Maccabaeus James M. Ludlow 107 downloads
Suomen herännäisyyden historia XIX:llä vuosisadalla II. 1836-1844 (Finnish) Mauno Rosendal 107 downloads
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 45: 1 Machabees 106 downloads
The Yoke Elizabeth Miller 106 downloads
Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive Reformed Presbytery of North America 106 downloads
Subscription the disgrace of the English Church [1st edition] C. N. Wodehouse 106 downloads
Nunnery life in the Church of England; or, Seventeen years with Father Ignatius O.S.B. Sister Mary Agnes 106 downloads
Jesus, The Messiah; or, the Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in the New Testament Scriptures, by a Lady Anonymous 106 downloads
A penalidade na India segundo o Código de Manu (Portuguese) Cândido de Figueiredo 106 downloads