Books in Browsing: Language & Communication (sorted by popularity)
Lectures on the Science of Language F. Max Müller 505 downloads
The Foolish Dictionary Gideon Wurdz 504 downloads
Dictionnaire de nos fautes contre la langue française (French) Raoul Rinfret 503 downloads
Irene Iddesleigh Amanda McKittrick Ros 503 downloads
A Manual of the Malay language Sir William Edward Maxwell 495 downloads
Agawan ng Dangal (Tagalog) Fausta Cortes 493 downloads
Types of Prose Narratives: A Text-Book for the Story Writer Harriott Ely Fansler 490 downloads
Fiue Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie Thomas Tusser 489 downloads
The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary: Section T, U, V, and W Project Gutenberg and Noah Webster 488 downloads
The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary: Section R Project Gutenberg and Noah Webster 487 downloads
A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 J. M. D. Meiklejohn 485 downloads
First Oration of Cicero Against Catiline (Latin) Marcus Tullius Cicero 483 downloads
De Lof der Zotheid (Dutch) Desiderius Erasmus 482 downloads
A Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges George Martin Lane 480 downloads
The Chinese Classics — Volume 1: Confucian Analects (Chinese) James Legge 476 downloads
續子不語 (Chinese) Mei Yuan 475 downloads
The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary: Section S Project Gutenberg and Noah Webster 473 downloads
A Glossary of Words used in the Country of Wiltshire George Edward Dartnell and E. H. Goddard 471 downloads
Dictionnaire érotique moderne (French) Alfred Delvau 468 downloads
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures Samuel Kirkham 459 downloads
Diccionario Bagobo-Español (Tagabawa) (Spanish) Mateo Gisbert 456 downloads
An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language John Jamieson 456 downloads
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, or the Causes of Corrupt Eloquence Cornelius Tacitus 454 downloads
Vollständiges Orthographisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache : mit etymologischen Angaben, kurzen Sacherklärungen und Verdeutschungen der Fremdwörter (German) Konrad Duden 453 downloads
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or Indian Trade Language, of the North Pacific Coast 452 downloads