Books in Browsing: Law & Criminology (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Rights of War and Peace Hugo Grotius
Federal Stamp Taxes on Drafts, Checks and Promissory Notes, 1919 Guaranty Trust Company of New York
Des conspirations et de la justice politique (French) François Guizot
Trial of Pedro de Zulueta, jun., on a Charge of Slave Trading, under 5 Geo. IV, cap. 113, on Friday the 27th, Saturday the 28th, and Monday the 30th of October, 1843, at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London William Brodie Gurney and Pedro de Zulueta
Second Shetland Truck System Report William Guthrie
Magna Carta, and Other Addresses William D. Guthrie
A collection of Latin maxims & rules, in law and equity : selected from the most eminent authors, on the civil, canon, feudal, English and Scots law, with an English translation, and an appendix of reference to the authorities from which the maxims are selected Peter Halkerston
The Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay
The Oldest Code of Laws in the World King of Babylonia Hammurabi
Handy War Guide for My Company: Handy Company Commander's Guide André Godefroy Lionel Hanguillart
The Humourous Story of Farmer Bumpkin's Lawsuit Richard Harris
Hanging in Chains Albert Hartshorne
A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor, on the Nature and Interpretation of Unsoundness of Mind, and Imbecility of Intellect John Haslam
Medical Jurisprudence as it Relates to Insanity, According to the Law of England John Haslam
Patent Laws of the Republic of Hawaii Hawaii
Lycurgus : or, The future of law E. S. P. Haynes
The Origin of Finger-Printing William James Herschel
The Trial of Henry Hetherington, on an Indictment for Blasphemy H. Hetherington
Observations on Coroners William Hewitt
The Life, Trial, Confession and Execution of Albert W. Hicks Albert W. Hicks
The Case and Exceptions: Stories of Counsel and Clients Frederick Trevor Hill
The Story of Elizabeth Canning Considered John Hill
Historia General del Derecho Español, Tomo I (Spanish) Eduardo de Hinojosa
Lehrbuch der Gerichtlichen Medicin (German) Ritter von Eduard Hofmann
The Phœnix of Sodom; or, the Vere Street Coterie Robert Holloway