Books in Browsing: Law & Criminology (sorted by popularity)
The history of the London Burkers Anonymous 121 downloads
The law of the road; or, wrongs and rights of a traveller R. Vashon Rogers 121 downloads
Woman Suffrage By Federal Constitutional Amendment 120 downloads
A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations Sir James Mackintosh 120 downloads
As concessões de direitos magestaticos a emprezas mercantis para o ultramar (Portuguese) Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa 120 downloads
Popular Law-making Frederic Jesup Stimson 120 downloads
Our Legal Heritage: King AEthelbert - King George III, 600 A.D. - 1776 S. A. Reilly 120 downloads
Commercial Law Samuel Williston, Richard D. Currier, and Richard William Hill 120 downloads
Putnam's Handy Law Book for the Layman Albert Sidney Bolles 120 downloads
Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians Library of Congress. Copyright Office 119 downloads
Des homicides commis par les aliénés (French) Émile Blanche 119 downloads
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism United States. Executive Office of the President 118 downloads
Hanging in Chains Albert Hartshorne 118 downloads
Trial of Jane Leigh Perrot, at Taunton Assizes, on Saturday the 29th day of March, 1800; charged with stealing a card of lace, in the shop of Elizabeth Gregory, haberdasher & milliner, of the city of Bath Jane Cholmeley Leigh Perrot 118 downloads
The Treaty of the European Union, Maastricht Treaty, 7th February, 1992 European Union 118 downloads
Homeland Security Act of 2002 United States. Congress. House. Committee on Homeland Security 117 downloads
Dans le cloaque (French) Maurice Barrès 116 downloads
Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, tome 5/8 (French) J.-B.-J. Champagnac 116 downloads
Orders conceived and published by the Lord Major and Aldermen of the City of London, concerning the infection of the plague City of London . Court of Aldermen and City of London . Lord Mayor 116 downloads
A Correct Account of the Horrible Occurrence Which Took Place at a Public-House in St. James's Market Anonymous 116 downloads
Prisoner for Blasphemy G. W. Foote 116 downloads
Causes amusantes et connues (French) 116 downloads
The Trial and Conviction of That Infamous Hypocrite John Church Anonymous 115 downloads
The American Judiciary Simeon E. Baldwin 115 downloads
The Trial of Reuben Crandall, M.D. Unknown 115 downloads