Books in Browsing: Law & Criminology (sorted by popularity)
Diamond Dust K. Kay Shearin 92 downloads
The Devil and Parson Church; or, Birds of a feather Anonymous 91 downloads
Copyright Basics Library of Congress. Copyright Office 91 downloads
The Universal Counterfeit and Altered Bank Note Detector, at Sight Henry C. Foote 91 downloads
The Copyright Question: A Letter to the Toronto Board of Trade George N. Morang 91 downloads
The Judicial Murder of Mary E. Surratt David Miller DeWitt 91 downloads
Tutt and Mr. Tutt Arthur Cheney Train 91 downloads
La legge del popolo Ebreo (Italian) David Castelli 91 downloads
Cesare Lombroso, a modern man of science Hans Kurella 91 downloads
Handy War Guide for My Company: Handy Company Commander's Guide André Godefroy Lionel Hanguillart 90 downloads
A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor, on the Nature and Interpretation of Unsoundness of Mind, and Imbecility of Intellect John Haslam 90 downloads
A Question of Identity Frank Riley 90 downloads
The New Sunday Liquor Law Vindicated J. Ewing Ritchie 90 downloads
The neutral merchant Francis Taylor Piggott 90 downloads
The Convict's Farewell: with Advice to Criminals, before and after Trial James Parkerson 90 downloads
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Ruling United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 90 downloads
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremburg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946, Volume 12 Various 90 downloads
Report of the Proceedings at the Examination of Charles G. Davis, Esq., on the Charge of Aiding and Abetting in the Rescue of a Fugitive Slave: Held in Boston, in February, 1851. Charles G. Davis and United States. Circuit Court 89 downloads
The Legal Position of the Clergy Philip Vernon Smith 88 downloads
A penalidade na India segundo o Código de Manu (Portuguese) Cândido de Figueiredo 88 downloads
A History of the Trial of Castner Hanway and Others, for Treason, at Philadelphia in November, 1851 Member of the Philadelphia bar 88 downloads
Traité des eunuques (French) Charles Ancillon 88 downloads
Prevalence of Imprisonment in the U.S. Population, 1974-2001 Thomas P. Bonczar 88 downloads
Loi du 29 juillet 1881 sur la Liberté de la Presse (French) 88 downloads
A Letter to John Wilkes, Esq; Sheriff of London and Middlesex active 1771-1808 Robert Holloway 87 downloads