Books in Browsing: Literature (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Strange Friend of Tito Gil Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Novelas Cortas (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
El Capitán Veneno (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Cosas que fueron: Cuadros de costumbres (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
El Niño de la Bola: Novela (Spanish) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
Der Dreispitz (German) Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
El Señor y los demás son Cuentos (Spanish) Leopoldo Alas
Doctor Sutilis (Cuentos) (Spanish) Leopoldo Alas
La Regenta (Spanish) Leopoldo Alas
Su único hijo (Spanish) Leopoldo Alas
Comment on devient écrivain (French) Antoine Albalat
Karolingsche Verhalen (Dutch) J. A. Alberdingk Thijm
Os Filhos do Padre Anselmo (Portuguese) António José da Costa Couto Sá de Albergaria
Il diavolo nell'ampolla (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
Parvenze e sembianze (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
Vecchie storie d'amore (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
In faccia al destino (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
Novelle umoristiche (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
Top (Italian) Adolfo Albertazzi
A history of English literature : A practical text-book Edward Albert
Viaggio a Costantinopoli (1609-1621) (Italian) Tommaso Alberti
The Czar: A tale of the Time of the First Napoleon Deborah Alcock
Calvinin aikoina (Finnish) Deborah Alcock
The Spanish Brothers: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century Deborah Alcock
By Far Euphrates: A Tale Deborah Alcock