Books in Browsing: Literature (sorted alphabetically by author)
Comic Tragedies Louisa May Alcott and Anna Bronson Alcott Pratt
Stories and ballads for young folks Ellen Tracy Alden
English Verse: Specimens Illustrating its Principles and History Raymond MacDonald Alden
A new Robinson Crusoe W. L. Alden
The cruise of the Canoe Club W. L. Alden
The moral pirates W. L. Alden
Told by the Colonel W. L. Alden
The Adventures of Jimmy Brown W. L. Alden
How She Felt in Her First Corset, and Other Poems Matthew W. Alderson
A Village Ophelia, and Other Stories Anne Reeve Aldrich
Told in a French Garden Mildred Aldrich
Daisy's Necklace, and What Came of It Thomas Bailey Aldrich
A Struggle For Life Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The Queen of Sheba, and My Cousin the Colonel Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Ponkapog Papers Thomas Bailey Aldrich
A Rivermouth Romance Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The Sisters' Tragedy, with Other Poems, Lyrical and Dramatic Thomas Bailey Aldrich
A Midnight Fantasy Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Quite So Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The Stillwater Tragedy Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Our New Neighbors At Ponkapog Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The Cruise of the Dolphin Thomas Bailey Aldrich
The Story of a Bad Boy Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Père Antoine's Date-Palm Thomas Bailey Aldrich