Books in Browsing: Music (sorted by popularity)
Frederick Chopin, as a Man and Musician — Volume 2 Frederick Niecks 155 downloads
Le collier des jours: Le troisième rang du collier (French) Judith Gautier 154 downloads
A Syllabus of Kentucky Folk-Songs Hubert G. Shearin and Josiah Henry Combs 153 downloads
Music Talks with Children Thomas Tapper 153 downloads
Theme from Mozart's Piano Sonata in A major, K.331 153 downloads
Musical Criticisms Arthur Johnstone 152 downloads
Les illusions musicales et la vérité sur l'expression (French) Johannès Weber 152 downloads
Fine Knacks for Ladies John Dowland 152 downloads
Acht Briefe an eine Freundin über Clavier-Unterricht (German) Johanna Kinkel 152 downloads
Martha; or, The Fair at Richmond 151 downloads
The Lion of Poland: The Story of Paderewski Paul Hume and Ruth Fox Hume 150 downloads
Songs of the Cattle Trail and Cow Camp 150 downloads
Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt — Volume 1 Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner 150 downloads
Musical Studies Ernest Newman 150 downloads
Life of Beethoven Ludwig Nohl 150 downloads
Mozart's Youth Franz Hoffmann 150 downloads
What Every Singer Should Know Millie Ryan 149 downloads
String Quartet No. 13 in B flat major Opus 130 Ludwig van Beethoven 148 downloads
L'Endimione (Italian) Pietro Metastasio 148 downloads
Souvenirs littéraires... et autres (French) Willy 148 downloads
A triste canção do sul (subsidios para a historia do fado) (Portuguese) Alberto Pimentel 148 downloads
Le Coq d'Or (The Golden Cock): An Opera in Three Acts (French) 148 downloads
Jackson's Gymnastics for the Fingers and Wrist Edwin Ward Jackson 148 downloads
The Mentor: Makers of Modern Opera, Vol. 1, Num. 47, Serial No. 47 Henry Edward Krehbiel 148 downloads
Robert Schumann, Tone-Poet, Prophet and Critic Herbert F. Peyser 147 downloads