Books in Browsing: Music (sorted by popularity)
Memoirs of Doctor Burney (Vol. 2 of 3) Fanny Burney 147 downloads
Twelve Good Musicians: From John Bull to Henry Purcell Frederick Bridge 147 downloads
Seed Thoughts for Singers Frank Herbert Tubbs 145 downloads
Antonio Stradivari Horace Petherick 145 downloads
Extracts from the Ballet-Suite Scherazada, Pt. 1 American Concert Orchestra 145 downloads
Nine Hundred Miles Roger McGuinn 144 downloads
Brahms and some of his works Pitts Sanborn 144 downloads
The Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth songster Various 142 downloads
String Quartet No. 58 in F Major, Op. 74, No. 2, FHE No. 29, Hoboken No. 73 Joseph Haydn 142 downloads
A Few Remarks Concerning Makers of Singing Bird Boxes of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Georges Pélissier 142 downloads
The Experiences of a Bandmaster John Philip Sousa 142 downloads
On Conducting (Üeber Das Dirigiren) : A Treatise on Style in the Execution of Classical Music Richard Wagner 142 downloads
String Quartet in C minor, Op. 51 no. 1 Johannes Brahms 141 downloads
Dizionario storico-critico degli scrittori di musica e de' più celebri artisti, vol. 3 (Italian) Giuseppe Bertini 141 downloads
Frederick Chopin, as a Man and Musician — Volume 1 Frederick Niecks 141 downloads
Three Great Epoch-Makers in Music Edward Clarence Farnsworth 140 downloads
The Salabue Stradivari : A history and critical description of the famous violin, commonly called "le Messie" W.E. Hill & Sons 140 downloads
Music and Its Masters O. B. Boise 140 downloads
Old Scores and New Readings: Discussions on Music & Certain Musicians John F. Runciman 140 downloads
There's a Little Bit of Bad in Every Good Little Girl 140 downloads
Laululoi Aunukselazil : Lauluettavie da saneldavie heimokanzan laululoi da runoloi Aunuksen kielel (Finnish) 140 downloads
Why We Love Music Carl E. Seashore 139 downloads
For Every Music Lover Aubertine Woodward Moore 139 downloads
Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag (German) Eduard Mörike 139 downloads
Portraits et souvenirs (French) Camille Saint-Saëns 138 downloads