Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically by author)
Bees from British Guiana Theodore D. A. Cockerell
A New Pocket Mouse (Genus Perognathus) from Kansas E. Lendell Cockrum
Geographic Variation in Red-backed Mice (Genus Clethrionomys) of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region E. Lendell Cockrum and Kenneth Leonard Fitch
Beginners' zoology Walter Moore Coleman
British Butterflies: Figures and Descriptions of Every Native Species W. S. Coleman
Barks and Purrs Colette
Riding and Driving Price Collier and Edward L. Anderson
Silken threads Ruth Collie
Hope Farm Notes Herbert W. Collingwood
The Green Thumb, Nov.-Dec. 1959, Vol. 16, No. 10 Colorado Forestry and Horticultural Association
With ski & sledge over Arctic glaciers Sir William Martin Conway
Manual of the apiary Albert John Cook
The Cambridge natural history, Vol. 03 (of 10) A. H. Cooke and F. R. C. Reed
Wildflowers of the Farm Arthur O. Cooke
Trees and Shrubs for English Gardens E. T. Cook
A synopsis of the palms of Puerto Rico O. F. Cook
Het paddenstoelenboekje (Dutch) Catherina Cool and Hendrik Adrianus Abraham van der Lek
Lions 'n' tigers 'n' everything Courtney Ryley Cooper
Cruise of the 'Alert' R. W. Coppinger
Life at the Zoo: Notes and Traditions of the Regent's Park Gardens C. J. Cornish
The Naturalist on the Thames C. J. Cornish
Rapport sur un voyage botanique en Algérie, de Philippeville à Biskra et dans les Monts Aurès, entrepris en 1853 sous le patronage du Ministère de la guerre (French) E. Cosson
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880) Mrs. Lizzie E. Cotton
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891) Mrs. Lizzie E. Cotton
A Preliminary Revision of the North American Species of Cactus, Anhalonium, and Lophophora John Merle Coulter