Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically by author)
Muistelmia hyönteismaailmasta: Kuvauksia hyönteisten tavoista ja vaistosta (Finnish) Jean-Henri Fabre
Animal Life in Field and Garden Jean-Henri Fabre
Social Life in the Insect World Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life of the Spider Jean-Henri Fabre
The Mason-Bees Jean-Henri Fabre
Fabre's Book of Insects Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life of the Scorpion Jean-Henri Fabre
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life of the Grasshopper Jean-Henri Fabre
The Wonders of Instinct: Chapters in the Psychology of Insects Jean-Henri Fabre
The Hunting Wasps Jean-Henri Fabre
More Hunting Wasps Jean-Henri Fabre
The Mason-Wasps Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life of the Fly; With Which are Interspersed Some Chapters of Autobiography Jean-Henri Fabre
More Beetles Jean-Henri Fabre
Bramble-Bees and Others Jean-Henri Fabre
Field, Forest and Farm Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life of the Caterpillar Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life and Love of the Insect Jean-Henri Fabre
The Life of the Weevil Jean-Henri Fabre and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
Insect Adventures Jean-Henri Fabre and Louise Hasbrouck Zimm
Olympic National Park, Washington Gunnar O. Fagerlund
Conservation Reader Harold W. Fairbanks
Book of Monsters David Fairchild and Marian Fairchild
Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit Albert Burton Farnham