Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically by author)
A year among the trees : or, the woods and by-ways of New England Wilson Flagg
The Flower-Fields of Alpine Switzerland: An Appreciation and a Plea G. Flemwell
Grim: The Story of a Pike Svend Fleuron
Strix: Die Geschichte eines Uhus (German) Svend Fleuron
Kittens : A family chronicle Svend Fleuron
Zwischen Pol und Äquator: Tiergeographische Lebensbilder (German) Kurt Floericke
Meeresfische (German) Kurt Floericke
Einheimische Fische; Die Süßwasserfische unsrer Heimat (German) Kurt Floericke
Florida: An Ideal Cattle State Florida State Live Stock Association
Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics Richard Folkard
True Stories about Dogs and Cats Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France, in the Autumn of 1835 James Forbes
The Mentor: Game Birds of America, Vol. 1, Num. 34, Serial No. 34 Edward Howe Forbush
De Plantis Esculentis Insularum Oceani Australis Commentatio Botanica (Latin) Georg Forster
Florulae Insularum Australium Prodromus (Latin) Georg Forster
The Story of a Red Deer Sir J. W. Fortescue
Gardening for Little Girls Olive Hyde Foster
A Year with the Birds W. Warde Fowler
More Tales of the Birds W. Warde Fowler
Tales of the birds W. Warde Fowler
With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters Lewis B. France
Beach Rambles in Search of Seaside Pebbles and Crystals John George Francis
Amid the High Hills Sir Hugh Fraser
War Gardens: A Pocket Guide for Home Vegetable Growers Montague Free
All About Your Canary George Jackson French