Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically by author)
Canadian Wilds Martin Hunter
Studies of trees in winter : A description of the deciduous trees of northeastern America Annie Oakes Huntington
My dog and I : Being a concise treatise of the various breeds of dogs, their origins and uses. Written expressly for the novice, containing a comprehensive mode of treatment both in health and sickness, together with the names of some prominent breeders. Harry Woodworth Huntington
Extinct Monsters H. N. Hutchinson
The Story of the Hills: A Book About Mountains for General Readers. H. N. Hutchinson
Dog Breaking W. N. Hutchinson
Has a Frog a Soul? Thomas Henry Huxley
Metsolassa (Finnish) Oskari Hynninen
Common trees of Pennsylvania Joseph E. Ibberson, A. B. Mickalitis, J. E. Aughenbaugh, and C. L. Morris
The Book of the Ocean Ernest Ingersoll
Birds in Legend, Fable and Folklore Ernest Ingersoll
Zoölogy: The Science of Animal Life Ernest Ingersoll
All about Ferrets and Rats Adolph Isaacsen
The Story of Scraggles George Wharton James
Natural History of the Prairie Vole (Mammalian Genus Microtus) E. W. Jameson
Home Range and Movements of the Eastern Cottontail in Kansas Donald W. Janes
The Life of the Fields Richard Jefferies
Nature Near London Richard Jefferies
The Pageant of Summer Richard Jefferies
Wild Life in a Southern County Richard Jefferies
The Gamekeeper at Home: Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life Richard Jefferies
Wood Magic: A Fable Richard Jefferies
The Gamekeeper at Home: Sketches of natural history and rural life (Illustrated) Richard Jefferies
Field and Hedgerow: Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies Richard Jefferies
The Amateur Poacher Richard Jefferies