Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Mammals of Mount Rainier National Park Merlin K. Potts and Russell K. Grater
Mammals of Northwestern South Dakota J. Knox Jones and Kenneth W. Andersen
Mammals of the Grand Mesa, Colorado Sydney Anderson
Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California Terry A. Vaughan
Mammals of the Southwest Mountains and Mesas George Olin
Mammals of Warren Woods, Berrien County, Michigan Lee R. Dice
Mammals of Washington, Volume 2 Walter Woelber Dalquest
Mammals of Washtenaw County, Michigan Norman Asa Wood
Mammals taken Along the Alaska Highway Rollin H. Baker
Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh
Manual of Bird Study William H. Carr
Manual of Conchology Thomas Wyatt
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition) L. H. Bailey
Manual of Philippine Birds Richard C. McGregor
Manual of Taxidermy C. J. Maynard
Manual of the apiary Albert John Cook
Manual of the Trees of North America (Exclusive of Mexico) 2nd ed. Charles Sprague Sargent
Manual of Toy Dogs: How to breed, rear, and feed them Mrs. Leslie Williams
Manual of veterinary homeopathy : comprising diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, dogs and poultry and their homeopathic treatment F. Humphreys
Manual or an Easy Method of Managing Bees John M. Weeks
Manuel pratique de Jardinage (French) Courtois-Gérard
Manures and the principles of manuring Charles Morton Aikman
Many-Storied Mountains: The Life of Glacier National Park Greg Beaumont
Mar (Spanish) Jules Michelet
Marvels of Pond-life Henry James Slack