Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Botanic Garden, a Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation Erasmus Darwin
Botanic Garden. Part 2, Containing the Loves of the Plants. A Poem. Erasmus Darwin
Botanist's Companion, Volume II William Salisbury
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 01 & 02 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 03 & 04 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 05 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 06 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 07 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 08 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 09 [of 10] active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Botany for Ladies Mrs. Loudon
Bounty of the Chesapeake: Fishing in Colonial Virginia James Wharton
Boy bird house architecture Leon H. Baxter
Boy Hunters Mayne Reid
Boys of the Old Sea Bed: Tales of Nature and Adventure Charles Allen McConnell
brado contra as monterias de cerco aos Lobos na Provincia do Alemtejo (Portuguese) José Paulo de Mira
Bramble-Bees and Others Jean-Henri Fabre
Breeding Birds of Kansas Richard F. Johnston
British Bees William Edward Shuckard
British birds W. H. Hudson and Frank E. Beddard
British Birds in Their Haunts C. A. Johns
British Butterflies Alexander Morrison Stewart
British Butterflies: Figures and Descriptions of Every Native Species W. S. Coleman
British Pomology Robert Hogg
British Sea Birds Charles Dixon