Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Description of a New Vespertilionine Bat from Yucatan J. A. Allen
Description of the Bar-and-Frame-Hive William Augustus Munn
Descriptions of New Hylid Frogs From Mexico and Central America William Edward Duellman
Descriptions of Three New Birds from the Belgian Congo James Paul Chapin
Descriptions of Two Species of Frogs, Genus Ptychohyla William Edward Duellman
Descriptive Zoopraxography; or, the science of animal locomotion made popular Eadweard Muybridge
desert : Further studies in natural appearances John C. Van Dyke
Desert Home: The Adventures of a Lost Family in the Wilderness Mayne Reid
Desert World Arthur Mangin
Determined Angler and the Brook Trout Charles Barker Bradford
Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times Alfred Biese
Dickey Downy: The Autobiography of a Bird Virginia Sharpe Patterson
Dierenleven in de wildernis : Schetsen uit het leven der dieren hun natuurlijke aanleg en wat zij leeren moeten (Dutch) William J. Long
Dinosaur Quarry. Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado-Utah John M. Good, Theodore Elmer White, and Gilbert F. Stucker
Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects Charles V. Riley
Disease in plants H. Marshall Ward
Diseases of the Horse's Foot H. Caulton Reeks
Dissertation on Horses William Osmer
Distributional Study of the Amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, México William Edward Duellman
Distribution of Some Nebraskan Mammals J. Knox Jones
Diversions of a Naturalist Sir E. Ray Lankester
Dog William Youatt
Dog Dinks, Edward Mayhew, and W. N. Hutchinson
Dog Breaking W. N. Hutchinson
Dog Crusoe and His Master: A Story of Adventure in the Western Prairies R. M. Ballantyne