Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Everglades Wildguide Jean Craighead George
Everyday Adventures Samuel Scoville
Everyday birds: Elementary studies Bradford Torrey
Everyday Objects; Or, Picturesque Aspects of Natural History. W. H. Davenport Adams
Evolutionist at Large Grant Allen
Experienced Angler; or Angling Improved Robert Venables
Experimental Translocation of the Eastern Timber Wolf Thomas F. Weise, William Laughlin Robinson, Richard A. Hook, and L. David Mech
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology John Bernhard Smith
Explanatory Discourse by Tan Chet-qua of Quang-chew-fu, Gent. Sir William Chambers
Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats Sydney Anderson
Extermination of the American Bison William T. Hornaday
Extinct birds : An attempt to unite in one volume a short account of those birds which have become extinct in historical times Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild Rothschild
Extinct Monsters H. N. Hutchinson
Eye Spy: Afield with Nature Among Flowers and Animate Things W. Hamilton Gibson
Fabre's Book of Insects Jean-Henri Fabre
Face of the Fields Dallas Lore Sharp
Fall of the Year Dallas Lore Sharp
Famous pets of famous people Eleanor Lewis
Fantastic Clan: The Cactus Family J. J. Thornber and Frances Bonker
farm and the woodlot J. E. Barton
Farm drainage Henry F. French
Farmer Bluff's dog Blazer : or, At the eleventh hour Florence E. Burch
Farm Gardening with Hints on Cheap Manuring Anonymous
fauna of the deep sea Sydney J. Hickson
Favorite Fish and Fishing James A. Henshall