Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Fly Fishing in Wonderland Orange Perry Barnes
Flying Plover: His stories, told him by Squat-by-the-fire Theodore Goodridge Roberts
Folk-lore of Plants T. F. Thiselton-Dyer
Followers of the Trail Zoe Meyer
Food Habits of the Thrushes of the United States F. E. L. Beal
Food of the Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm, in South-central Kansas Dwight R. Platt
Footing it in Franconia Bradford Torrey
Foot-path Way Bradford Torrey
Foreign Butterflies James Duncan
Forest Stewart Edward White
Forest Friends Royal Dixon
Forest Giant Adrien Le Corbeau
Forest Habitat of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation Henry S. Fitch and Ronald L. McGregor
Forest Life and Forest Trees: comprising winter camp-life among the loggers, and wild-wood adventure. John S. Springer
Forest Neighbors: Life Stories of Wild Animals William Davenport Hulbert
Forest Pictures in the Adirondacks Alfred Billings Street
Forestry for Farmers B. E. Fernow
Forests of Mount Rainier National Park G. F. Allen
Forest Trees and Forest Scenery G. Frederick Schwarz
Forest Trees of Illinois: How to Know Them George D. Fuller, E. E. Nuuttila, Wilbur R. Mattoon, and Robert B. Miller
Forest Trees of Illinois (Third Edition) Robert H. Mohlenbrock
Forest Trees of Texas: How to Know Them Wilbur R. Mattoon and C. B. Webster
For the Birds U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fossil Ice Crystals: An Instance of the Practical Value of "Pure Science" Johan August Udden
Four New Pocket Gophers of the Genus Cratogeomys from Jalisco, Mexico Robert J. Russell