Books in Browsing: Philosophy & Ethics (sorted alphabetically)
Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom Emanuel Swedenborg
Angels' Song Thomas Guthrie
Animismus, Magie und Allmacht der Gedanken (German) Sigmund Freud
Ankarat tähdet : Romaani (Finnish) Vilho Helanen
Annie Besant: An Autobiography Annie Besant
Annual Monitor for 1851 Anonymous
Anonymity : an enquiry E. M. Forster
Ansgario (Finnish) Anonymous
Answers to Prayer, from George Müller's Narratives George Müller
Answer to Dr. Priestley's Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever Matthew Turner and William Hammon
Anthroposophie im Umriss (German) Robert Zimmermann
Antichrist Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Antichrist Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Anticléricalisme (French) Émile Faguet
anti-moine: nos numerus sumus & fruges consumere natis (French) Anonymous
Anton Tchekhov, and Other Essays Lev Shestov
Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit (German) Arthur Schopenhauer
Aphorismes sur la sagesse dans la vie (French) Arthur Schopenhauer
Aphorisms and Reflections from the works of T. H. Huxley Thomas Henry Huxley
Apollonius of Tyana, the Philosopher-Reformer of the First Century A.D. G. R. S. Mead
Apologia pro vita sua John Henry Newman
Apologia pro vita sua : being a history of his religious opinions John Henry Newman
Apology Plato
Apology Xenophon
Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates Plato