Books in Browsing: Religion/Spirituality/Paranormal (sorted by popularity)
The secrets of black arts! : A key note to witchcraft, devination [sic], omens, forwarnings, apparitions, sorcery, dæmonology, dreams, predictions, visions, and the Devil's legacy to earth mortals, compacts with the Devil! With the most authentic history of Salem witchcraft Anonymous 495 downloads
Memorials of the Faithful ʻAbdu'l-Bahá 494 downloads
Great short stories, Volume 2 (of 3) : Ghost stories 494 downloads
Legends of the Gods Sir E. A. Wallis Budge 494 downloads
Der Großinquisitor (German) Fyodor Dostoyevsky 493 downloads
The Gospel of Buddha, Compiled from Ancient Records Paul Carus 492 downloads
Bible Readings for the Home Circle 491 downloads
Religion and ceremonies of the Lenape M. R. Harrington 490 downloads
A Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament (Modern Greek (1453-)) William Greenfield 490 downloads
The Way of Initiation; or, How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds Rudolf Steiner 490 downloads
Sadhana, the Realisation of Life Rabindranath Tagore 489 downloads
Welt- und Lebenanschauungen; hervorgegangen aus Religion, Philosophie und Naturerkenntnis (German) Max B. Weinstein 488 downloads
The Logic of Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 488 downloads
Myth, Ritual and Religion, Vol. 1 (of 2) Andrew Lang 488 downloads
Le portrait de Dorian Gray (French) Oscar Wilde 488 downloads
Greek and Roman Ghost Stories Lacy Collison-Morley 488 downloads
Annie Besant: An Autobiography Annie Besant 487 downloads
Nala and Damayanti and Other Poems Henry Hart Milman 487 downloads
The Witches' Dream Book; and Fortune Teller A. H. Noe 486 downloads
Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 2 Plotinus 486 downloads
The Essence of Christianity Ludwig Feuerbach 485 downloads
The Principles of Secularism George Jacob Holyoake 485 downloads
The Essays of Adam Smith Adam Smith 484 downloads
The Development of Metaphysics in Persia Sir Muhammad Iqbal 484 downloads
Three translations of the Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side 483 downloads