Books in Browsing: Science - Physics (sorted by popularity)
Fundamental ideas and problems of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein 165 downloads
On the quantum theory of radiation and the structure of the atom Niels Bohr 164 downloads
Expériences et observations sur l'électricité faites à Philadelphie en Amérique (French) Benjamin Franklin 163 downloads
First Lessons in Natural Philosophy for Beginners Joseph C. Martindale 163 downloads
A Course of Mechanical, Magnetical, Optical, Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Experiments William Whiston and Francis Hauksbee 158 downloads
Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode. Edward P. Thompson 156 downloads
The Wonders of Optics Fulgence Marion 156 downloads
Einstein and the universe: A popular exposition of the famous theory Charles Nordmann 155 downloads
On the relative motion of the earth and the luminiferous æther Albert A. Michelson and Edward Williams Morley 154 downloads
Einstein, the searcher : his work explained from dialogues with Einstein Alexander Moszkowski 154 downloads
Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into Thirteen Parts Duchess of Margaret Cavendish Newcastle 144 downloads
Atoms at the Science Fair: Exhibiting Nuclear Projects Robert G. LeCompte and Burrell L. Wood 144 downloads
The foundations of Einstein's theory of gravitation Erwin Freundlich 143 downloads
Einstein et l'univers: Une lueur dans le mystère des choses (French) Charles Nordmann 142 downloads
The logic of modern physics P. W. Bridgman 141 downloads
Space, Time and Gravitation: An Outline of the General Relativity Theory Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington 140 downloads
Natuurkunde in de Huiskamer: ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen. (Dutch) Tom Tit 138 downloads
Vorlesungen über Thermodynamik (German) Max Planck 137 downloads
Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnis Apriori (German) Hans Reichenbach 132 downloads
The mystery of space : a study of the hyperspace movement in the light of the evolution of new psychic faculties and an inquiry into the genesis and essential nature of space Robert T. Browne 132 downloads
Discorso sopra la calamita (Italian) Benedetto Castelli 129 downloads
The highest aim of the physicist Henry Augustus Rowland 126 downloads
The theory of relativity and its influence on scientific thought Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington 124 downloads
The Story of Electricity John Munro 123 downloads
A Treatise on Electricity Francis Penrose 121 downloads