Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically)
Australasian Fossils: A Students' Manual of Palaeontology Frederick Chapman
Australian Bird Book: A Pocket Book for Field Use John Albert Leach
Autobiography and Selected Essays Thomas Henry Huxley
Autobiography of an Electron Charles R. Gibson
Autobiography of Charles Darwin Charles Darwin
Automata Old and New Conrad William Cooke
Automobile Biographies Lyman Horace Weeks
Aviation Engines: Design—Construction—Operation and Repair Victor Wilfred Pagé
Aviation in Peace and War Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes
Aviator and the Weather Bureau Ford A. Carpenter
Avifauna of Micronesia, Its Origin, Evolution, and Distribution Rollin H. Baker
Avonturen van drie Russen en drie Engelschen, Gevolgd door 'De Blokkadebrekers' (Dutch) Jules Verne
Bacillus of Long Life Loudon M. Douglas
Bacteria Sir George Newman
Bacteria in Daily Life Grace C. Frankland
bacteriological study of ham souring Charles Neil McBryde
Baculum in Microtine Rodents Sydney Anderson
Baculum in the Chipmunks of Western North America John A. White
Bad Drains; and How to Test Them R. Harris Reeves
Badger: A Monograph Sir Alfred E. Pease
Baldy of Nome Esther Birdsall Darling
Balloon observation, and instructions on the subject of work in the basket United States. War Department. Division of Military Aeronautics
Balloons, Airships, and Flying Machines Gertrude Bacon
Bangerter's Inventions; His Marvelous Time Clock
Barium: A Cause of the Loco-Weed Disease Albert Cornelius Crawford