Books in Browsing: Science - Genetics/Biology/Evolution (sorted alphabetically by author)
A New Subspecies of Lizard, Cnemidophorus sacki, from Michoacán, México William Edward Duellman
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México William Edward Duellman
A Review of the Frogs of the Hyla bistincta Group William Edward Duellman
Descriptions of Two Species of Frogs, Genus Ptychohyla William Edward Duellman
Type specimens of amphibians and reptiles in the Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas William Edward Duellman and Barbara Berg
Middle American Frogs of the Hyla microcephala Group William Edward Duellman and M. J. Fouquette
Neotropical Hylid Frogs, Genus Smilisca William Edward Duellman and Linda Trueb
The Pocket Gophers (Genus Thomomys) of Utah Stephen David Durrant
The Ancestry of Modern Amphibia: A Review of the Evidence Theodore H. Eaton
A New Order of Fishlike Amphibia From the Pennsylvanian of Kansas Theodore H. Eaton and Peggy Lou Stewart
A New Genus of Pennsylvanian Fish (Crossopterygii, Coelacanthiformes) from Kansas Joan Echols
Het verhaal van de honingbij (Dutch) Tickner Edwardes
"Wee Tim'rous Beasties": Studies of Animal life and Character Douglas English
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique J. W. H. Eyre
The Life of the Caterpillar Jean-Henri Fabre
The Wonders of Instinct: Chapters in the Psychology of Insects Jean-Henri Fabre
Nouveaux souvenirs entomologiques - Livre II (French) Jean-Henri Fabre
Souvenirs entomologiques - Livre I (French) Jean-Henri Fabre
Insect life: Souvenirs of a naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre
Socialismo y ciencia positiva (Darwin-Spencer-Marx) (Spanish) Enrico Ferri
Speciation of the Wandering Shrew James S. Findley
Pleistocene Soricidae from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico James S. Findley
Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 Bruce Fink and Leafy Jane Corrington Hilker
A New Subspecies of Wood Rat (Neotoma mexicana) from Colorado Robert B. Finley
The Meaning of Infancy John Fiske