Books in Browsing: Science - Genetics/Biology/Evolution (sorted alphabetically by author)
Man And His Ancestor: A Study In Evolution Charles Morris
Was Man Created? Henry A. Mott
Metabolic Adaptation to Climate and Distribution of the Raccoon Procyon Lotor and Other Procyonidae John N. Mugaas, John Seidensticker, and Kathleen P. Mahlke-Johnson
Facts and Arguments for Darwin Fritz Müller
A Mechanico-Physiological Theory of Organic Evolution Carl Nägeli
The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1865] Alfred Neighbor
The Ancient Life History of the Earth Henry Alleyne Nicholson
The Ohio naturalist, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1901 Ohio State University. Biological Club
Palæontological Report of the Princeton Scientific Expedition of 1877 Henry Fairfield Osborn, William Berryman Scott, and Francis Speir
The case against evolution George Barry O'Toole
The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle [vol. 1 of 5] : Fossil mammalia Richard Owen
Our Common Insects A. S. Packard
Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution: His Life and Work A. S. Packard
A Text-book of Entomology A. S. Packard
Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys Robert L. Packard
New Subspecies of the Rodent Baiomys from Central America Robert L. Packard
Ruumiin elimistä ja niiden toimista (Finnish) J. A. Palmén
Marxism and Darwinism : Evidence, speeches, and papers in its favour Anton Pannekoek
Importanza e risultati degli incrociamenti in avicoltura (Italian) Teodoro Pascal
The Other Side of Evolution: Its Effects and Fallacy Alexander Patterson
La philosophie zoologique avant Darwin (French) Edmond Perrier
Systematics of Megachiropteran Bats in the Solomon Islands Carleton J. Phillips
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection Sir Edward Bagnall Poulton
Illogical Geology, the Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory George McCready Price
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation George McCready Price