Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Yhdenvertaisuus (Finnish) Edward Bellamy
Looking Backward: 2000-1887 Edward Bellamy
Ely's Automatic Housemaid Elizabeth W. Bellamy
Thirty Degrees Cattywonkus James Bell
Threlkeld's Daughter James Bell
The Moon Colony William Dixon Bell
The incredible aliens William Bender
The Rocketeers Have Shaggy Ears Keith Bennett
The Pigeon Tale Virginia Bennett
L'Atlantide (French) Pierre Benoît
Atlantida Pierre Benoît
The Child of the Dawn Arthur Christopher Benson
Visible and Invisible E. F. Benson
David Blaize and the Blue Door E. F. Benson
The Dawn of All Robert Hugh Benson
Lord of the World Robert Hugh Benson
Living Alone Stella Benson
The Honored Prophet William E. Bentley
Goslings J. D. Beresford
The Hampdenshire Wonder J. D. Beresford
The Wonder J. D. Beresford
Flyvefisken »Prometheus« (En Fremtidsfantasi) (Danish) Vilhelm Bergsøe
The Raider Don Berry
Man Alone Don Berry
Sound of Terror Don Berry