Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted alphabetically by author)
Routine for a Hornet Don Berry
Vigorish John Berryman
The Trouble with Telstar John Berryman
Card Trick John Berryman
The Right Time John Berryman
Modus Vivendi John Berryman
The inner house Walter Besant
The Push of a Finger Alfred Bester
The unseen blushers Alfred Bester
The deadly thinkers William Gray Beyer
The Centaurians: a novel Biagi
Cronus of the D. F. C. Jr. Lloyd Biggle
Kort verhaal van eene aanmerkelijke luchtreis en nieuwe planeetontdekking (Dutch) Willem Bilderdijk
Shipwreck in the Sky Eando Binder
The Violators Eando Binder
The Ring bonanza Otto Binder
Poseidon's paradise: the romance of Atlantis Elizabeth G. Birkmaier
The Crowded Colony Jerome Bixby
Zen Jerome Bixby
Tubemonkey Jerome Bixby
Where There's Hope Jerome Bixby
Cargo to Callisto Jerome Bixby
The Holes Around Mars Jerome Bixby
Laboratory Jerome Bixby
Little Boy Jerome Bixby