Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted by popularity)
The Aliens Murray Leinster 287 downloads
The Master Key L. Frank Baum 285 downloads
Astounding Stories of Super-Science, August 1930 Various 284 downloads
She and Allan H. Rider Haggard 284 downloads
Key Out of Time Andre Norton 284 downloads
The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" William Hope Hodgson 284 downloads
The Surprising Adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo and His People L. Frank Baum 283 downloads
Weird Tales, Volume 1, Number 2, April, 1923: The unique magazine Various 283 downloads
The Lord of the Sea M. P. Shiel 282 downloads
Harding's luck E. Nesbit 282 downloads
The Lost Continent Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne 282 downloads
Chivalry James Branch Cabell 281 downloads
Tanar of Pellucidar Edgar Rice Burroughs 280 downloads
Handy Mandy in Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson 280 downloads
The Devil in Iron Robert E. Howard 280 downloads
X Marks the Pedwalk Fritz Leiber 279 downloads
Eric Brighteyes H. Rider Haggard 277 downloads
The silver key H. P. Lovecraft 277 downloads
Missing Link Frank Herbert 277 downloads
Venus Equilateral George O. Smith 277 downloads
The Edge of the Knife H. Beam Piper 277 downloads
Sense of Obligation Harry Harrison 276 downloads
The Space Pioneers Carey Rockwell 275 downloads
Search the Sky Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth 275 downloads
Their island home : The later adventures of the Swiss family Robinson Jules Verne 275 downloads