Books in Browsing: Sexuality & Erotica (sorted alphabetically by author)
Love Potions Through the Ages: A Study of Amatory Devices and Mores Harry E. Wedeck
Almost A Man Mary Wood-Allen
中國十大禁書之國色天香 (Chinese) active 16th century Jingsuo Wu
蜃樓志 (Chinese) active 18th century Yulinglaoren
Manual of Classical Erotology (De figuris Veneris)
Erotopægnion, sive Priapeia Veterum et Recentiorum (Latin)
Anthologica Rarissima: The Way of a Virgin
Curiosa: Essais critiques de littérature ancienne ignorée ou mal connue (French)
Le petit-neveu de Grécourt, ou, Étrennes gaillardes (French)