Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted alphabetically by author)
The boys of Columbia High on the ice : or, Out for the hockey championship Graham B. Forbes
The boys of Columbia High on the river : or, The boat race plot that failed Graham B. Forbes
The theory and practice of archery Horace A. Ford and W. Butt
Touring Afoot Claude P. Fordyce
Foster's Complete Hoyle: An Encyclopedia of Games R. F. Foster
With Rod and Line in Colorado Waters Lewis B. France
Thoroughbreds William Alexander Fraser
Practical Boat-Sailing: A Concise and Simple Treatise Douglas Frazar
Hanky Panky : A book of conjuring tricks Wiljalba Frikell
Jimmy Kirkland and the Plot for a Pennant Hugh S. Fullerton
Jimmy Kirkland of the Cascade College Team Hugh S. Fullerton
Ski-running Katharine Furse
More Cricket Songs Norman Gale
Greek Athletic Sports and Festivals E. Norman Gardiner
Dick Hamilton's Football Team; Or, A Young Millionaire On The Gridiron Howard Roger Garis
Those Smith Boys on the Diamond; or, Nip and Tuck for Victory Howard Roger Garis
Modern Billiards Benjamin Garno
The Master of Game: The Oldest English Book on Hunting count of Foix Gaston III Phoebus and of Norwich Edward
Eine Gemsjagd in Tyrol (German) Friedrich Gerstäcker
Campward Ho! A Manual for Girl Scout Camps Girl Scouts of the United States of America
The Velocipede: Its History, Varieties, and Practice J. T. Goddard
The Modern American Pistol and Revolver Arthur Corbin Gould
A Lad of Mettle Nat Gould
Fun for the Household: A Book of Games Emma J. Gray
Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece George Greenwood