Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted alphabetically by author)
Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, Including Trick Photography Albert A. Hopkins
The Dozen from Lakerim Rupert Hughes
Fifty Years of Golf Horace G. Hutchinson
Olympic Victor Monuments and Greek Athletic Art Walter Woodburn Hyde
Jaakkoo lähti Pariisihi...: Kuvaus Pariisin olympialaiskisoista v. 1924 (Finnish) Jaakko Ikola
Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier James Inglis
The Flying Mercury Eleanor M. Ingram
Kuoleman uhalla (Finnish) Eleanor M. Ingram
Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing, Wrestling, Boxing, Jumping, and All Kinds of Athletic Feats Ed. James
The Amateur Poacher Richard Jefferies
The Lady and Her Horse T. A. Jenkins
Home Occupations for Boys and Girls B. Johnston
Rock-climbing in the English Lake District Owen Glynne Jones
Heinärannan olympialaiset : Kyläkuvaus (Finnish) Väinö Kataja
Boat Sailing in Fair Weather and Foul, 6th ed. A. J. Kenealy
Riding for Ladies W. A. Kerr
An Almanac of Twelve Sports Rudyard Kipling
Right off the Bat: Baseball Ballads William Frederick Kirk
Hints on Driving C. Morley Knight
Sailing E. F. Knight
Hunters three: Sport and adventure in South Africa Thomas Wallace Knox
Woodcraft Elmer Harry Kreps
The Art of Fencing; Or, The Use of the Small Sword maître d'armes Labat
The Teesdale Angler R. Lakeland
Lawn Tennis for Ladies Mrs. Lambert Chambers