Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Book of Sports: William Martin
Sharps and Flats John Nevil Maskelyne
Second Base Sloan Christy Mathewson
Pitcher Pollock Christy Mathewson
Catcher Craig Christy Mathewson
First Base Faulkner Christy Mathewson
Pitching in a Pinch; or, Baseball from the Inside Christy Mathewson
Won in the ninth Christy Mathewson
Lord Lister No. 0122: De wedrennen van York (Dutch) Kurt Matull, Felix Hageman, and Theo von Blankensee
The Field Book: or, Sports and pastimes of the United Kingdom W. H. Maxwell
Horsemanship for Women Theodore H. Mead
Les sports à la mode (French) Camille Meillac
Lord William Beresford, V.C., Some Memories of a Famous Sportsman, Soldier and Wit Mrs. Stuart Menzies
Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing, Volume 2 (of 3) Henry Downes Miles
Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing, Volume 3 (of 3) Henry Downes Miles
Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing, Volume 1 (of 3) Henry Downes Miles
Kitecraft : and kite tournaments Charles M. Miller
Outdoor Sports and Games Claude Harris Miller
The day's play A. A. Milne
The Crimson Banner : A story of college baseball William D. Moffat
An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars and Motor Business Wagons, Gasoline, Steam and Electric, Sold in This Country, 1907 the automotive business magazine Motor
Light Come, Light Go: Gambling—Gamesters—Wagers—The Turf Ralph Nevill
Wild Ducks: How to Rear and Shoot Them W. Coape Oates
History of the Kentucky Derby, 1875-1921 John Lawrence O'Connor
Ladies on Horseback Mrs. Power O'Donoghue