Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted alphabetically by author)
Frank Merriwell's Athletes; Or, The Boys Who Won Burt L. Standish
The blue book of chess : teaching the rudiments of the game, and giving an analysis of all the recognized openings Howard Staunton
Cricket A. G. Steel and R. H. Lyttelton
The Golf Course Mystery Chester K. Steele
How to swim : A practical manual of swimming by a practical swimmer and a guide to the novice as well as the expert showing the easiest methods of learning to swim, dive and float, various kinds of strokes, with directions and illustrations for acquiring the crawl and trudge-crawl strokes. Also a chapter on modern life-saving, and one for women and girl swimmers. James H. Sterrett
Tommy Tiptop and his baseball nine : or, The boys of Riverdale and their good times Raymond Stone
The Rover Boys on a Tour; or, Last Days at Brill College Edward Stratemeyer
The baseball boys of Lakeport : or, The winning run Edward Stratemeyer
Dave Porter's Return to School; Or, Winning the Medal of Honor Edward Stratemeyer
The Putnam Hall Champions; or, Bound to Win Out Edward Stratemeyer
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England Joseph Strutt
Healthful Sports for Young Ladies Mademoiselle St. Sernin
The Sporting Dictionary and Rural Repository, Volume 2 (of 2) William Taplin
The Sporting Dictionary, and Rural Repository, Volume 1 (of 2) William Taplin
The Complete English Wing Shot George Teasdale Teasdale-Buckell
De nuttige handwerken: handboekje ten dienste der lagere school (Dutch) A. Teunisse and A. M. van der Velden
Pedestrianism; or, An Account of the Performances of Celebrated Pedestrians During the Last and Present Century. Walter Thom
The Art of Lawn Tennis William T. Tilden
Ward Hill, the Senior Everett T. Tomlinson
Winning His "W": A Story of Freshman Year at College Everett T. Tomlinson
The pennant Everett T. Tomlinson
Lectures on Horsemanship Unknown
The Soul of Golf P. A. Vaile
Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things Henry Van Dyke
Fore! Charles E. Van Loan