Books in Browsing: Travel & Geography (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Land of Little Rain Mary Austin
The Land of Little Rain Mary Austin
Surrey: A Sketch-Book Robert Austin
Report on the Department of Ports and Harbours for the Year 1890-91 Australia. Queensland. Department of Ports and Harbours
Voyages au temps jadis en France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Italie, en Sicile, en poste, en diligence, en voiturin, en traîneau, en espéronade, à cheval et en patache, de 1787 à 1844 (French) Théodore Aynard
Diario de un reconocimiento de la guardia y fortines (Spanish) Félix de Azara
Nordmanna-Mystik: Bilder Från Nordens Forntid (Swedish) A. U. Bååth
Legendary Islands of the Atlantic: A Study of Medieval Geography William Henry Babcock
Silas Strong, Emperor of the Woods Irving Bacheller
Siam : The Land of the White Elephant as It Was and Is George B. Bacon
The World and Its People, Book VII: Views in Africa Anna B. Badlam
Canal Reminiscences George William Bagby
The Waterways of the Pacific Northwest Clarence Bagley
The Passport Richard Bagot
Dalmatinische Reise (German) Hermann Bahr
A trip to California in 1853 : Recollections of a gold seeking trip by ox train across the plains and mountains by an old Illinois pioneer Washington Bailey
First Impressions on a Tour upon the Continent Marianne Baillie
Shifts and expedients of camp life, travel & exploration Thomas Baines and William Barry Lord
Children of Africa James B. Baird
The Walls of Constantinople B. Granville Baker
The Passing of the Turkish Empire in Europe B. Granville Baker
From a Terrace in Prague B. Granville Baker
The netherworld of Mendip : explorations in the great caverns of Somerset, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and elsewhere Ernest A. Baker and H. E. Balch
The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, And Explorations of the Nile Sources Sir Samuel White Baker
Wild Beasts and Their Ways, Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa and America — Volume 1 Sir Samuel White Baker